Helping Create The Life You Desire
Attention Superstorm Sandy Survivors
I am offering free services to support you during the rebuilding. 
Contact me for details- Ann

About Coaching

Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure or joy.

Happiness coaching is just that, a focus on creating a life of joy.  The following statements are what I believe to be true for me and based on my values.

We will explore, using a model that is flexible and structured in a way to allow freedom and safety for you, the client to explore where you are and where you wish to take flight.
It is with my deepest desire and appreciation for all that is that I pour my heart and soul into my journey and I would love to share this experience with all of you.

My Coaching Model will take you through each of these steps so you will feel, touch and smell the entire beauty of what you are about to embark upon.

  • Trust =  safety, confidentiality,  reliable, confidence
  • Clarity = clearness, focus, understanding, freedom
  • Intentions = goal, destination, aim, commitment
  • Empower = investment, talent, present, faith
  • Celebration = joyousness, jubilation, triumph, happiness

My belief is that if you do what is right for you and I do what is right for me then it will be right for everyone.

My mission is to establish trust in our relationship so you are free to explore this deliciousness of living life on purpose.

My vision is to support the co-creative process so that all people globally will receive the benefits of being positive intention based people.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Coaching Model
Ann Willis-Coaching Model