Helping Create The Life You Desire
Attention Superstorm Sandy Survivors
I am offering free services to support you during the rebuilding. 
Contact me for details- Ann

Lifestyle-Specialist Blog

January 21, 2013
Wrapping up work on SuperStorm Sandy support program
We have been working on final edits on the audio files, they will be topic specific and 5-10 minutes in length.  The plan is to post the files so that they can be downloaded when they are needed.  We will be launching the "drop in" coaching sessions in early February.  These coaching sessions are a free community service for those impacted by the storm. I want to help those involved in Robert Frost said...“In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life, ‘it goes on’.”

December 5 2012

Moxie Series is popular demand

I’m excited that the first tele-class was brought to fruition and now I’m launching a new series beginning January 10, 2013.   The feedback was so amazing that I decided to do it again.  There are new things that pop up and things we have put off that may need a little nudge from a coach.  The intent is to help you live the life you want by learning to appreciate more (and complain less).

Registration for the series is at

November  28 2012

Appreciation, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  It is that simple…look for things to feel good about, to appreciate and feel it to your core.  Feel it, just feel it, do you feel it? Your feelings are your indicator of where you are, pay attention to how you feel and you will begin to discover the connection from the head to the heart.  Your thoughts create your feelings.  Hand in hand like a glove.  Try it on for size and see what happens.

November 8 2012

Our contribution in support of rebuilding after Sandy-

I belong to a group of coaches that responded with energy and enthusiasm when I suggested that we apply ourselves as resources in the storm recovery effort.  As coaches, this is what we do, we get groups of people together on the phone, and power up, recharge, support each other, and generally feel better after our time together.  This could be an important support element during the recovery from the storm.  We are not counselors; this is not free therapy…this is (free) coaching, a safe place to work though this difficult time.  We have a group that meets on Tuesdays at 7 pm.  Sign up using the link…or DM on Facebook or email  me if you want to set up free individual time.  Direct registration for the free Tele-Summit series is at



October 15 2012

Rebooting my Practice

It has been a long time since my last post.  I spent the last year or so on a special assignment.  My old office went through an abrupt leadership change and I was asked to step in and help manage the transition.  I was happy to help, they were so good to me over the years.  The assignment was a win-win, I was able to coach…and coach…and coach some more.   

A few months ago as I was looking at rebooting my own coaching practice, my phone rang.  It was my friend Nikki Buckelew, she and her husband Chris were forming a coaching group…and did I want to be a member?  This was a gift…the group provides the support and structure that I need which allows me to do what I love…coaching.  
June starts website, Facebook and Support Group enhancements.

Ann’s personal Blog "Happiness Starts Here" provides her pearls of wisdom and updates to her coaching model.  This June corporate update comes packaged with  a lot of excitement.  Very fast pace over the past 6-8 weeks- lots of business related travel gathering new techniques for creating the life you deserve.  The months are starting to blend together, better busy than bored is what we say.  We now have memberships available, you will receive updates from Ann, special rates and discounts, and premium packages and materials.
The weekly support group was supposed to disband a few weeks ago, but the group loved it so much, and found great value in their time together, they decided to extend for another set of sessions as a group.  Client satisfaction is so important to us, we were elated at the extension.  Repeat business is the highest compliment we can be paid. 

Lastly, we are going to be reworking parts of the website, so do not worry if things are not exactly where you expect them to be.  We have found that since our launch in October, we have more information to post, and will be re-arranging some of the categories.  The change will be taking place over the summer, we will let you know as we get closer. 

There is still time to enter the Facebook contest.  Just go to Coach Ann Willis page, and “like” it to enter to win a coaching package valued at over $300.

May is busy with blogs and now a Facebook page, "like" and win!

Don’t forget to follow Ann’s personal Blog Happiness Starts Here.  This Lifestyle Blog area is to provide updates about the business in general.  Glad to say that the Practice is growing.  Ann has been spreading herself quite thin these days.  We looked at the May calendar and found that there was an event or speaking engagement every week in addition to the newly formed Wednesday Support group.  There have also been numerous networking events locally here in Naples Florida. 

If you have a Facebook account, join in the fun and subscribe to Ann's Facebook page.  Take a moment to go to Ann’s new page for Coach Ann Willis and “like” the page!  You will get periodic updates from Ann and be entered in a contest to win a “Make It Happen” package, over $300 value.  Prize will be awarded at the end of August.  We are going to count everyone who enters (by simply liking the page) from June 15 to August 31, 2011.

One of the more exciting things we did to invest in the business was to attend a Writers Workshop that was put on by Hay House Publishing in NYC.  The presenters included one of Ann’s mentors Cheryl Richardson.  Cheryl had lots of good info to share about growing a Life Coaching practice.  It was nice to hear that we are on the right track, and that all of the time energy and effort that have been put into developing the supporting tools has been worth it.  For every hour spent coaching, Ann spends 2 or 3 with follow up and logistics.  The time invested in making those pieces easier has already paid off for our clients.  Please take a look around the website, let us know what you think! 

April 2011 -New Office Space

Lifestyle Specialist-Happiness Coaching is thrilled to announce that we have moved!  We have new office space at 1415 Panther Lane in Naples, Florida.  This move is significant for us as well as our clients as it is a full-featured office space.  When our groups grow to large for the office, there is a wonderful conference room on site.  The Universe delivered this office space at the perfect point in time (go figure).  One of the book groups was winding down, and as we wandered from good byes, to topics we wish we would be able to discuss with the group…well…we had an extra long meeting that night.  Long story short, we are now in offices with one of the fabulous participants from that group.  We feel very blessed to be able to offer professional, calm and clear energy accommodations, for our in person coaching sessions and support groups.  We are also extremely pleased that the connectivity is plentiful in the space so that remote meetings and presentations will be fast as lightening.  We look forward to seeing you there.

March is dedicated to the importance of self care.

Recently Ann was asked to speak at a company meeting to help boost morale by emphasizing the importance of self care to the staff.  This message is important as we scurry from task to task at a very hectic pace.  If we do not take care of ourselves, we are unprepared to take care of others. 

Something as simple as water.  Water has been used throughout history to reduce stress.  Water is our connection to life itself. Take long warm showers or a glorious long bath.  Aromatherapy is very powerful for relaxation. This is one of the most powerful ways to relax and come home to your mind, body and soul.  (it is good for a bad back too)

We are looking to start a self care focus group on Wednesday afternoons.  Also in the process of putting together a study of Cheryl Richardson’s book Extreme Self Care.  Please drop a note to, if you are interested.

February - Health and Wellness month...

February is our Health and Wellness month.  Ann was featured in E Bella Magazine this month, in their Health and Wellness issue.  Coaching is an important piece of self care.  Stress is one of the worst enemies of the body, external and internal stressors can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.  Research has shown that many of the techniques used in our coaching practice have been proven to reduce stress.  
The mind body connection can be influenced using meditation, measured breathing, and affirmations.  Research tells us every thought and emotion we have creates a chemical release into our bodies. These powerful chemicals affect our mental, physical and spiritual health and well being.  
Additionally, we have booked and attended local events and seminars related to health and wellness.  Naples Community Hospital sponsored an event specifically for women’s health.  We made many important connections with presenters and others who displayed there.  More to come on that in the near future.

Welcome to our site and blog

Welcome to Lifestyle-Specialist official company blog.  Please look here for special announcements and you are encouraged to post comments that will make a wonderful difference in someone's life.

Ann Willis will be blogging on this site but look at her personal site located